Friday, 30 October 2009

random bloggage on life at the mo!!!

Hey people this is ma first blog woooo dunno why i started one just thought i would before the transformation 2 mac is complete hence my url name thing being taking the second bite out of the apple.

Its reading week this week but unfortunatley havent done that much reading i have only done the reading for david firths lecture on monday morning becasue i hav found out if i have done the reading it seems 2 go in eaiser and i don't get as confussed. I am also really glad i don't have to do another Theological Reflection for a while that was the hardest essay ever!!!!

anyway this is what am finkin about right now has anyone else noticed that of all the groups on facebook that people join, one of the most often seen recurring themes is "I've dropped my phone down the toilet, numbers please". Now is it just me, or does that not seem like a rather ridiculously careless thing to do? "Oh no, I was playing a game of solitaire while texting my friend Dave and also talking to my mum all at the same time as using the little boy's room and it accidently fell out of my hand and into the toilet."
Just a thought.
there is some more things i have been thinking about this lovely day here is a few:
  • David Tennant is actually beautiful and suprisingly Scottish,
  • I know it sounds really silly to say, but no matter how upset, hurt, stressed, tired, emotionally drained or angry I feel a cup of coffee ALWAYS makes me feel better. Something about that hot brown liquid that just instantly makes me happy (and no, it's not the caffiene.)
  • that the mr muscle damsel in distress has changed wasnt the point of that advert to show that even the kings of geekdom (Who rock by the way) can clean with ease 
  • BANG AND THE DIRT HAS GONE!!! (wrong advert)
  •  i say Maximo you say PARK
well you've had a look into my mind speak soon!!!